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Expert Installers of Polished Concrete Flooring

The concept of polished concrete floors has grown popular in residential and commercial spaces in Austin, TX. The durability, sustainability, and aesthetic appeal of polished concrete floors provide home and business owners with a low-maintenance solution that elevates their properties. Texas Premier Coat Resurfacing is here to help you join the growing number of satisfied customers.

Polished Concrete Floors in Austin, TX

Trusted Polished Concrete Flooring Specialists

When customers in Austin, TX, are looking for exceptional polished concrete flooring, they choose the renowned experts at Texas Premier Coat Resurfacing. Known for our top-quality polish concrete flooring solutions, our team has the skills and expertise to deliver long-lasting results that accommodate the needs of any home or business.

Transform Your Space With Polished Concrete Floors

If you’re looking to liven up your residential or commercial space’s concrete flooring, polished concrete flooring solutions are the ultimate choice. Polishing concrete floors allows the natural beauty of the concrete surface to shine through with versatile design options to satisfy any aesthetic preference or need.

Resilient Flooring Solutions

Concrete can become worn after years of use, and it can look rough quickly without adequate maintenance. Polished concrete flooring solutions combat this occurrence as the polishing materials provide a protective barrier that increases the flooring’s resiliency, making it more durable in the face of wear and tear while boasting exceptional longevity.

Let Your Style Shine Through

Polished concrete floors offer design flexibility that allows you to show off your unique style in your home or business’s flooring. We provide an expansive selection of design options, from glossy and reflective finishes for a luxurious look to matte and understated finishes for a classic appearance that suits any space.

Polished Concrete Flooring Process

We achieve pristine polished concrete using a method similar to sanding down wood. We carefully grind the concrete to achieve a smooth finish using state-of-the-art equipment and diamond abrasives that allow us to work layer by layer before implementing the hardening substance. We then apply a quality sealant to ensure long-lasting, beautiful results.

Bringing Your Vision to Life

A wealth of experience and knowledge backs our professionals, and as such, we know that optimal satisfaction comes from representing our customers’ needs and preferences. That’s why we take the time to understand your polished concrete floor aspirations in order to create the most effective design plan for your space.

The Finishing Touches

Polished concrete floors can be modified with decorative finishing touches, such as unique designs and colors. Our experts have the skill to turn a plain concrete floor into an artistic design with creative staining techniques and patterns that personalize your flooring to represent the character of your property.

Maintain Your Polished Concrete Floors

Polished concrete floors are durable and long-lasting. However, after a couple of years and consistent foot traffic exposure, we recommend refining your concrete polishing to preserve your results. A refinishing service is not as complex and time-consuming as the original application, and it’s the most effective way to keep your floors looking their best.

Choose Texas Premier Coat Resurfacing

When you are looking to enhance the aesthetic value and durability of your concrete floors, look no further than Texas Premier Coat Resurfacing. Our polished concrete flooring solutions are renowned and trusted as our experienced, fully bonded, and licensed professionals treat your space with careful attention to detail and the utmost care to ensure exceptional results.

Contact Us to Get Custom Polished Concrete Floors

Don’t wait until your home or business looks worn and outdated, with dull concrete flooring that takes away from the aesthetic appeal of your property. Rely on the polished concrete flooring experts at Texas Premier Coat Resurfacing for quality service that breathes new life into your concrete floors. Contact us to request your estimate.